&hint1=I am a 20th century piece& &hint2=I am from Judy Chicago's massive Dinner Party installation& &hint3=I am in the form of a flower, suggesting the beauty of female genitalia& &hint4=I symbolize a certain female artist& &choices=Some Living American Women Artists/The Last Supper;The Dinner Party;Turkish Bath (Ingres);Georgia O'Keefe plate from The Dinner Party;The Turkish Bath (Sleigh);One panel from the series Rebirth of Venus& &answer=Georgia O'Keefe plate from The Dinner Party& &search=Dinner Party O'keefe& &title=Georgia O'Keefe plate from The Dinner Party& &artist=Judy Chicago& &medium=China paint on porcelain& &date=1979& &location=The Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York& &dimensions=diameter 14"&